With one of the most comprehensive platforms of online business tools, BR Caddie helps you and your team get organized, communicate, automate and streamline procedures. It seems that every day we are expected to do get more done in the same amount of time. It seems like there are hundreds of moving parts that need to be managed in order to keep the business moving forward. BR Caddie brings multiple tools together in one login to help you exceed your expectations and stay on top of all those moving parts. Inside you’ll find the following:
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Contract Management
Our contract management software stops the auto renewing cycle of your forgotten contracts. Store and track all your contracts, plus get automatic reminders before renewal time or before any other important milestone. Run reports on individual locations or on your whole portfolio, from one easy-to-use interface.
Certificate of Insurance Tracking
Our certificate tracking software simplifies your risk transfer program so that it’s easily managed with automatic updates. Track and store certificates provided by all of your vendors and consultants, so you are protected and prepared when you need them. (This is now becoming a requirement with some insurance carriers.)
Business Entity/Event Tracking
Record and track all the important dates associated with each of your employees and business entities (LLC, Corporations, Partnerships, etc). Keep track of items such as business licenses, permits, inspections, renewals, certifications, refi deadlines, and anything else associated with keeping your business moving forward. All in one spot with automatic email reminders.
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Human Resources
We partner with top HR specialists to provide you with all-inclusive, up-to-date, federal, state and local HR information.
Claims Reporting/Management
Whether claims are a concern for your business or not, it’s good to have your own internal system that keeps dates, records and all documents organized, easily accessible and ready to go when you need them. Regardless of whether your carrier or broker changes, this record remains uninterrupted and accessible to your team. In addition, you have access to reports by department, location and type. Print your OSHA Form 300 and 300A for each of your locations with the click of a button.
Comprehensive Dashboard
The dashboard gives you a one-page summary of the tracking systems that you are using on the platform, such as Contracts, Certificates of Insurance, Business Entities/Events and Claims.
Multi-location Access with Corporate Overview
BR Caddie is designed with multiple locations in mind. Each location and user only has access to the information you want them to have access to. The Corporate office has access to every location and all information, facilitating better communication and efficiency for everyone.
User Document Storage
Each user has access to their own ‘My Files’ document storage on BR Caddie. This allows them to build a working document library that they can access from anywhere, even away from the office. If turnover is a concern, using this feature helps the next employee get up to speed faster by simply logging in, rather than having to search through emails, desks and drawers for important information and documentation.
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Shared Document Library
BR Caddie provides your group with a shared document area that can be used to build a controlled document library for your team. Eliminate concerns about different versions of corporate documents being used. Now you can be sure that everyone is using the same version of the same document.
Corporate Forum
Tired of endless email chains? BR Caddie provides your business with a private message forum that can be used to post events and notices, and where all of your users can participate.
Improvements and Input
BR Caddie has a hard working development team that has a regular flow of improvements for our platform and for all of our users. We base many of our improvements on the input from our users. Any suggestions from our users are always appreciated and taken very seriously.
System Set Up and Training
The BR Caddie platform was designed be as easy to use as possible with a do-it-yourself attitude in mind. We understand you are busy and may not want to be bothered with setting up and rolling out. We want your team to get up to speed as soon as possible, so we offer options to help train your team on using and setting up the system.
We are continuously adding and updating our services to better serve our clients. Don’t see what you need here? Just ask!